We give you Mower ...

Concrete curb & mow strip installers for Riverside, Orange, San Diego counties



C U S T O M    W O R K

C O L O R   &   S T A M P I N G 

P E R F E C T L Y   P R E P A R E D 

area prepared and ready to install curb
random rock and slate stone stamp curb

L A R G E    J O B S 

F L E X A B L E   H O U R S 

curb install flexible hours


Very affordable. Call, or email us the requested info. on contact us page for same day price quote.


                   YOUR curbing should be thought of as an extension, of your existing edging (i.e. your driveway, sidewalk, or patio). With that being said, the low side of the mow curb, should come in flush with existing edging. You want a smooth transition from different grade heights. You do not want a launch ramp at the end, or the opposite, looking like it has popped up from under-ground. The high side of the curb is then cut at a angle at which to prevent a trip hazard, as well as, giving it a finished look. You also do not want the high side of your curb to come in flush with existing edging, for this will cause water to pool up in that area. Bringing us to another topic of "cold joints" . A cold joint is needed when installing new concrete, next to old concrete. This will allow water to drain through the cold joint, and not pool up. Cold joints also help prevent cracking, by giving the curb room to breathe, during changes in weather.

​​    HERE AT CRAZY CURBS, it is our mission to provide our customer, with the highest quality, machine extruded , concrete curbing available . We accomplish this by using only the very  cleanest washed plaster sand, and locally processed Riverside Portland Cement . Using the precise ratios of sand, cement , and water , our beautiful and durable, non-slip, textured finish, will  guarantee years of enjoyment . Our Emphasis on detail and consistency is what sets us apart from the rest.  We promise not to skip steps , but rather go the extra mile, to make sure our customer is more than happy with their new Crazy Curb installation. For It is because of our customers, we exist!

P R E P A R A T I O N    &    I N S T A L L A T I O N    T I P S

WITH many styles of stamps available, like random rock, slate, river rock, and brick, combined with the color of your choice, CRAZY CURBS  can definitely make your decorative concrete curbing  unique.

 WE cater to you. Busy schedule, or challenging deadlines to meet? CRAZY CURBS can help.  We have no problem working evenings and weekends in order to get your job completed.....on time.


The Professional Quality Difference

Welcome to the HOME PAGE of our website. The site is designed to inform and educate  the consumer about quality Extruded Concrete Curbing. From the Authority on Extruded Curbing, CRAZY CURBS. Enjoy!

                                                                                     ​YES. We can. What some companies won't or can't do, CRAZY CURBS can and will do. For a small extra fee , we can form and hand pack 90 degree square corners, or any angle corner for that matter. Giving you unlimited design abilities of your concrete landscape curbing.        

WEATHER it be commercial or residential,  CRAZY CURBS is able to install up to 600 lineal feet per day. We will have your curbing project finished up, so you can move on to the next phase of construction, in no time.  

1. Make sure that the area to be curbed, is free from obstacles like grass, shrubs and tree branches, pet waste, and yard furniture. Plastic sprinklers are easy to relocate. Trees and shrubs will always grow back. But once that concrete dries, that is what it will look like, forever!  A good rule of thumb; If you think it might be in the way, it will be in the way. By giving your curb installer, some elbow room to work,  your curb will look the best it can.  And you will notice a difference between your curb and your neighbors.

2. Save yourself a few bucks by having your gardener, teenage son or neighbor, remove any grass, and cut back any shrubs and/or tree branches, that might be in our path. Rose bushes and thorny palm trees are our nemesis. Like mentioned before, DO NOT  design your curb around the parameters of sprinklers , but rather install your sprinklers in accordance to your curbs parameters!

3. If your irrigation is already installed, turn on your sprinklers for a few minutes the night before installation of your curb.. If that is not an option,  a gentle  shower of water with the hose will do.  It is important to have an inch or two of moisture, not mud, in the ground, and that the soil is compacted.

4. Keep your sprinkler timer off for at least 24 hours after your curb is installed.

5. Keep pets, children, and water away from curb for a minimum period of 24 hours after installation. Unlike flat work (sidewalk, patio, etc.), your new curbing does need to be " wet down" after being installed. In fact, it could actually damage the finish of your new curbing. So keep water away for 24 hours.

6. If you are going to do a property line dividing curb, we recommend after finding your property line, go over an extra inch towards  your property. It is amazing how fast your neighbor buddy will turn on you once he finds out your an inch over on to his property. 

    OUR high standard for quality, and reputation for outstanding customer service, keep our schedule busy. Most days visiting 3 houses, and installing up to 500 ft of curbing a day.  Because of this we ask that you have the area to be curbed, prepared and ready for us to do what we do best. Install concrete curbing! Here is a picture of  a perfectly prepared area, ready for curbing.

1. Grass is removed and  curb line established.

2.Decorative rock has been cleared to create path for machine ( 8" to 10" inches wide - the more the better)

3. Sprinklers have been relocated and marked

4. Shrubs and bushes trimmed out of the way.

5. Grade is smooth and soil is moist 

5" Five inch Mow Curb